Institute Policies
- 1 . Academic Regulation Policy
- 2. Exam Regulation Evaluation Policy.pdf
- 3. Policy for Planing-Advisory Committee.pdf
- 4. Faculty Development Policy.pdf
- 5. IQAC Policy (Annexure I and II).pdf
- 6. Policy of Women Development Cell.pdf
- 7. Anti Ragging Policy.pdf
- 8. Policy of Grievance Redressal.pdf
- 9. Implementation of ethical policies and procedure.pdf
- 10. Research Policy.pdf0
- 11. Policy of Consultancy Training MDP FDP.pdf
- 12. Policy of SC-ST Welfare.pdf
- 13. Policy of Library.pdf
- 14. Policy for Purchase-Infrastructure Committee.pdf
- 15. Policy of Scholarship Committee.pdf
- 16. Policy of Discipline Code of Conduct.pdf
- 17. VBS HR policy Non- Teaching staff_2023.pdf
- 18. VBS HR policy teaching staff_2022.pdf