The first wheels which were used by mankind were invented 5500 years ago in Mesopotamia since then the evolution of mankind never saw a full stop. It is said that the wheel made the foundation of human civilization. From potter’s wheel, we have progressed to carts, ships, trains, planes. From earthen vessels we progressed to various metals, alloys which lead us buildings, weapons etc. The constant development and progress were always followed by a constant change and it was said that,

“Change is the only Constant”

The above quote applies to all the fields of our lives be it Technology, Environment, Culture, Politics, Religion as well as to Education! When every minute aspect of Human civilization is undergoing a change such as from Computers to Artificial Intelligence, Deforestation to Afforestation, Homogenous Culture to Heterogenous Culture, Monarchy to Democracy, Gurukul to School isn’t it the time to ask for a reboot to our teachings? Undoubtedly, our education has evolved into a better version of itself but to this everchanging world isn’t there a need to reboot our teachings to make up to the pace of change world is going through?
Today, we have a diverse range of subjects of various fields discovered from our history of human kind making a key to our better future but as we know that neither the studies nor the future is absolute, it changes with every action made today thus it is necessary that our studies, subjects keep up the pace with time. Presently, World is run by the economies consisting giant industries, business houses and businessmen so it is the responsibility of our education system to nurture the best Businessmen/women, Managers and entrepreneurs to provide a stable and bright future, but to do that the system should go under a timely reboot to look after the differences between the present trend and the upcoming changes.
After knowing the need and necessity of a reboot, a question which arises that is,

“How to reboot?”

Before we bring light to the answers to the above-mentioned question, it is important to understand what the current syllabus, system provides us with respect to the future and what could the new reboot or updated system can provide. Currently syllabus or study methodology of MBA, PGDM or any other equivalent course are based the theories, principles and research of decade old markets suited for that period which in time will become irrelevant in future irrespective of how correct or compatible they are with today’s world. Even though these principles or research are decades old but they still make the foundations of the course and hence are irreplaceable yet as 2 + 2 = 4 is built upon the principle of 1 + 1 = 2 similarly the new framework of the syllabus should be built on the founding principle and guide the future by combining the learnings of old principles and energy of new research, coming to the answer for the questions asked above that is to reboot any system we need to update the existing system with a new, strong, fast and a better version of itself, similarly to reboot our MBA we need to update our existing framework with a better, adaptable and flexible system which can easily be updated in future according to the requirements of that period.

As we know the coming future will be more digital than ever, more inclined towards creativity unlike today’s traditional rules and regulations, with less boundaries and toughest competitors for every positions and thus to prepare ourselves for the same regular updates and reboots are required in our syllabus which are inclined towards simulative learning, actual experience, creativity, stress management, digital revolutions instead of classroom learning but in a collective simulating environment. The need of the hour asks us to take a leap beyond the existing methodology for learning but mend ourselves and prepare for the coming trends and changes in the business as well as the corporate world. It is high time to introduce multi stream business teaching methods such as using Artificial Intelligence, Real life simulations, Actual job experiences for good amount of time, opening the realm of creativity and other software and mending them to make it useful for businesses and management.

As it is quoted by many great men,

“Business never stops growing, neither should our knowledge about business should”, Let us keep growing and walk towards a brighter and better future!

– Deepesh Jain
Vivekanand business school