We all must have felt those jittery butterflies in our stomach, the blood in our veins going hyper aware, blood vessels popping in our brains to the point that, it feels like it's going to explode. Yes, you all are guessing it…
Dr Debjani Banerjee
The World health Organization declared COVID-19 as Pandemic by March 11, 2020 and its impact could be felt by 7.8 billion people living in this planet, with no one in a position to help themselves. India as a nation…
Dr Debjani Banerjee
In this generation where exploration to Mars is the next level exploration, people starving and found malnourished needs to become a major concern. Addressing the elimination of Hunger is not only a humanitarian and social concern, but an important…
Dr. Sushma Verma
It is during the adversaries that mettle of an individual is tested and the same applies to Companies. COVID 19 has presented enormous challenges to the entire Nation. Though Ethical business decisions are always important but ethics becomes even…
Dr Brijesh Sharma
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”. The timeless thought by Alvin Toffler is very much relevant in the current global happenings. The…
In the current scenario where people are at home due to COVID- 19 lockdown and trying to keep themselves busy with various activities apart from their daily online work (WFH), digital payment has made its way in their life. Yes, we all…
Last few months have been a great time for commodities market. There are various reasons attributing for this bull run. One of the attributes is the extra ordinary money supply from various governments to their citizens to survive the pandemic. This supply…
In the earlier days, loan collections were invariably undertaken by agents by visits to the borrowers’ places. However the process of digitisation has brought about a sea of change in this function for the convenience of both borrowers & lenders. In the…
The only thing permanent is change. Inertia at individual and collective level resists change. If change is inevitable then a natural corollary is an appearance of change agent. The continuously mutating virus is a change agent and the resultant devastating pandemic is…
COVId-19 has impacted many businesses and they all looked at the Human Resources (HR) to rescue them. This led to many organizations allowing their employees to work from home and HR to think very differently in terms of managing their workforce.HR needed…