By- Arunjai Agarwal (SIMS Pune)

According to a report by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. The rapid development in the digital landscape of today has AI, VR, and Blockchain continuously reinventing the face of marketing with disruptive technologies. Integrating these advanced technologies into business strategies for spherical marketing approaches allows companies to change their customer engagement approach in a way that results in unparalleled success. 

What is Spherical Marketing?

Spherical marketing can be referred to as a 360-degree holistic approach in which every customer interaction gets connected across different channels into one seamless, frictionless experience. Unlike linear marketing, spherical marketing is supposed to ensure that every touchpoint-online, in-store, and through social media-is consistent and personalized, culminating in an immersive and holistic customer journey.

AI: Driving Personalization Across Channels

AI forms the backbone of personalization in spherical marketing. Through its continuous evaluation of data collected from social media interactions, purchase history, online behaviour, and more, AI constructs some of the most complete and comprehensive customer profiles. It allows businesses to send more targeted content, offers, and experiences throughout the entire customer journey.

AI can, for instance, segment customers by preference and allow marketers to create targeted campaigns that speak personally to them. In the sphere of marketing, this would equate to personalized emails, social media ads, and in-store experiences that remain consistent and engaging across every platform.

VR: Creating Immersive Customer Experiences

Virtual reality enhances spherical marketing by providing immersive experiences that may be quite engaging for customers. Think about a customer who is virtually placing furniture in his house, or virtually trying on clothes and outfits in a virtual fitting room. With VR, the line separating digital from reality gets blurred, therefore making the customer journey more interactive and memorable.

This option can revolutionize the physical retail settings, such as trying on clothes without actually having to put them on, for added convenience and fun. These kinds of immersive experiences tie customers to the business and facilitate their informed decision-making, hence loyalty and satisfaction.

Blockchain: Ensuring Trust and Transparency

The important thing in marketing is to instil trust, and Blockchain technology enables the creation of that trust within a spherical marketing strategy. Blockchain is decentralized; it allows full transparency in data security and integrity, hence privacy concerns.

In spherical marketing, Blockchain creates tamper-proof records of customer interactions, making it transparent and accurate. It becomes very valuable in industries such as finance and healthcare where trust cannot be afforded to break. Blockchain combats fraud in digital advertising, guaranteeing ads appeared to real people and not bots, therefore protecting brands and helping build their reputation.

Conclusion: The Future is Spherical

AI, VR, and Blockchain weaved into spherical marketing strategies are not about innovations; it is the future of customer engagement. From personalized insights with AI to immersive experiences of VR and to the trust-building transparency of Blockchain, businesses can achieve seamless, trustworthy, and engaging customer experiences. As such technologies continue to evolve, companies embracing the concept of spherical marketing will thrive in the digital age and ensure long-term success.


Arunjai Agarwal –   Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS), Pune

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