Did you ever lose or faced defeat in a competition/event/business/election?

If yes, did you actually lose? Let’s figure it out.

Do you know why you didn’t win?
Do you know what mistake you made?
Did you identify the difference between you and the one who won?
Did you receive any feedback on your performance or did you ask for it?
If you answered at least 3 of the above questions in “Yes” then it is wrong to say that you lost.

Confused, eh?

What does the word “Loss” mean?

In simple words, Loss, Losing, Defeat are all defined as either failed to retain something, deprived of gains or failed to win. For example, if you lose an election, you fail to retain your position, if you lose a competition, you are deprived of the prize and if you lose a contract/s, you fail to win over rivals.

Now you may think that this exactly what happened to you when you lost then how is it wrong to say you lost, aren’t I right? When you asked the above-mentioned question to yourself and answered yes to most of them, did you notice the gains from them?

When you know why didn’t you win, it provides a report where did you lack or what you missed, when you learn about your mistakes, you improvise and make sure to never repeat them. Identify the strong points of those who were above you and inducting them in yourself makes you a better competitor last but not the least when you receive a feedback it gives you an overview of the zones where you need to improve or where you are strong.

Among all of this, there is one thing which you receive, probably the most important that is, EXPERIENCE!

As it is rightly said,

“An experienced individual is far better than hundred inexperienced people”

One cannot be experienced if you don’t fail, but to fail you need to continue which most of the people fail to do. They try, they lose, they quit. But when you try, you Fail, you learn, you try again then you become an experienced person. This experience is supposed to be used for the next thing you try which helps in becoming a better version of yourself.

Whenever you fail to reach the top, you don’t lose but receive the experience to make it to the top next time. Thus, it is wrong to say you lose or you lost ever in your life/career etc. because Each failure gives you a better version of you and keeps you ready to evolve more in upcoming tests of the life. You may fail in thousand battles but when you fight the final war you carry the experience, tricks, strategies, knowledge & wisdom of all previous thousand battles in the war making you an indestructible force who is destined to win.

Believe in your failures because,

“You Never Lose, You either Earn or You Learn”

Thank you

Deepesh Jain
PGDM – Div A
Vivekanand Business School