There are numerous clubs and societies at every MBA college. In practically every MBA institution, there is a club or society dedicated to a student’s hobby or interest. Some institutions are so flexible that if a student has an idea or an interest in something and is unable to find a club or society on campus that is linked to it, he can form a new club or society!

In business schools, these are an important element of the learning process. Apart from academic activities, these provide extra tasks and duties. A secretary and treasurer are positions held by many of these groups and societies. This enables students to gain a better understanding of the complexities involved in managing these roles. Throughout the year, every club and organization arrange a variety of activities. These activities are entirely administered by members of that club or society, from selecting activities to contacting stakeholders to distributing finances to obtaining authorization from administrators for the activity.
Many business schools may have mentioned significant cultural and business events. All of these events are put on by the student community. Yes, it’s all being done by students, with such grandeur and intricacy. Consider the lessons learned: after a student has arranged such a large event, he will have the experience to manage tough responsibilities in the business world once he graduates.

Because academic activities in business schools are demanding, and batch sizes are typically large, it is difficult for students to form intimate bonds with their classmates. In this circumstance, these clubs and societies provide an opportunity for members to form close bonds with one another. Within the clubs, there is a lot of interaction. Some clubs and organizations begin engaging with students even before they enroll in college; for example, during the admissions phase, start by coaching students who have been shortlisted in preparing for WAT/PI/GD.


This is the most important committee, and it exists at practically every business school. After all, it aids with placement, and believe it or not, placements, whether summer or final, are the most important aspect of the MBA. This committee necessitates a significant time commitment, and members of this group are expected to work tirelessly throughout the year.

An MBA is all about networking. This committee plays a crucial role in connecting current students with alumni and fostering contact among alumni.

This committee organizes everything on campus, including music, dance, and large events. Keeping fit is the key to getting the most out of your MBA program. This group is in charge of sports and fitness activities. Inter-B-school sporting tournaments are also organized by this organization.

Without these groups, an MBA would be incomplete, and these groups give students a glimpse into sought-after careers, such as entrepreneurship, consulting, marketing, and finance. Apart from these, numerous other student organizations may be found at every business school in India.
When a student enrolls in an MBA program, it is recommended that he or she join at least one student organization. It provides a great deal of exposure and education. Some students may find it advantageous to include it in their resumes.


You get to see how things work outside of the classroom. College committees operate similarly to businesses, though on a smaller scale. You’ll learn how to advertise a product (events/memberships), manage finances (there’s always a crunch somewhere!), and look after operations (smooth execution of events). There’s always something that goes wrong at an event, and you learn to deal with it by making last-minute plans with the fewest resources available. The best part about it? You’ll be able to discuss all of this in your interviews, and potentially on your CV as well!

As a member of a college committee, you will be exposed to people from the business world. Apart from your canteen gossips, you become aware of what is going on in the globe. Your communication skills improve as you get more knowledgeable about a variety of topics since you will be able to begin up a conversation with anyone about any subject. This is extremely important as you prepare to enter the corporate world after graduation.

Being a member of college committees demonstrates initiative, which is a characteristic that practically all recruiters look for. If you have expertise in organizing a college event, getting internships and jobs get easier.

College committees provide a fantastic opportunity to network with industry professionals. You make useful contacts who can assist you with the transfer. This is particularly vital for outstation students who do not have family or a large group of friends with whom to socialize. College committees provide exactly that. You need to keep yourself occupied with something intelligent and tough to do.
You could argue that hanging out with friends or gossiping is more enjoyable, but personal growth is also more vital. So, get over your laziness and apply for your college’s next committee recruitment! So, if you want to have the time of your life in your B-school and make the most of your MBA experience, join a club or committee of your interest whenever you have the opportunity.

Yashna Bhagchandani
Batch 2020-2022
Vivekanand Business School